The English edition of Botan Times Weekly Magazine, the only Kurdish news magazine published in Turkey, was out!
According to the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK) , there are 2.071 newspapers in Turkey. But there is no daily Kurdish newspaper from this number.
There is only one Kurdish weekly newspaper: Xwebun .
There are 2,389 magazines and there was no Kurdish news magazine.
Botan Times, the most read Kurdish news website in Turkey, also published the first and only Kurdish news magazine in Turkey. The magazine will be published online only and there will be English and Kurdish editions.
Bi 100TLyan (3 Dolar) bibe abone. Ji bo medyaya Kurdî ya serbixwe #MeTuHeyî, heger ji te neyê 100 TLyan bidî, her tişt ji bo te belaş e lê heger tu bikarî heqê keda Kurdî bidî kerem bike bibe abone.