8th day of the earthquake: Families wait in front of the rubbles
The earthquake whose center was Pazarcık in Kahramanmaras left a week behind and rescue operations continue on the 8th day. Thousands of bodies have not yet been buried and their relatives are standing in front of the bodies. Also, the families are waiting for the rescue of their relatives in front of the ruins.
Mesopotamia Agency
For Zilan (Dilan Kucuker)
The first time I started my diary was on the 19 of August of the year 1999. It was the time of the Kocaeli Golcuk earthquake. On the first page, I wrote “It is the days of death and destruction!”. Since then, I haven’t felt the urge to write anything for days. Today, almost twenty-three years have passed since that day. My feelings are the same again. But this time my hands have to move and write after this morning’s news.
In Adiyaman, earthquake victims live in barns with their animals
Contrary to Erdogan’s statement that he says no one was hurt by the earthquake, the Senses family is living with their sheep in the village of Bulam, Celikan district of Adiyaman, because the government does not provide them with tents.
The head of MHP has been silent for 6 days: No one knows where he is?
After the earthquake in Kahramanmaras, which affected 10 cities, the voiceless of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader, Devlet Behceli became the agenda.
In this process, almost all parties, presidents, and managers came to the field.
But until now, it has not been seen that Bahceli has gone anywhere.
Botan Times
The second decree of OHAL: Health measures
The Presidential Decree regarding measures in the field of health in the context of the State of Emergency has been published in the Official Magazine and has entered into force.
bianet Kurdish
This news was translated by Yonca Sarsilmaz
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