“14 dogs and cats are in this building, don’t destroy!”

“14 dogs and cats are in this building, don’t destroy!”
“14 dogs and cats are in this building, don’t destroy!”
Murat Bayram
  • 22 Şubat 2023 14:41

Animal rights activists stopped the work of destruction of Diyar Galeria. The Animal Rights Council stated that there are 14 cats and dogs in the building.

Diyar Galerya is one of the thousands of buildings damaged in the earthquake. Two of her blogs were damaged in the first and second earthquakes. There isn’t any official information about the death number, but dozens of people died in the building.

Animal defenders say “We didn’t make a voice until there was work for people. Now it’s the animals’ turn.”

While the protests continued, a cat appeared on the top floor of the building W: BotanTimes/MuratBayram